segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2020

How to Save Your Marriage When Your Spouse Is Unwilling

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Can you save your marriage right now even if your spouse is unwilling to do so? And if it is possible, how do you rebuild your marriage so it becomes stronger than ever? How’s it going, YouTube! Brad Browning here. It’s been awhile since I released a marriage saving video so I decided to make one on one of the most asked about marriage topics – how to save your marriage when your spouse is unwilling to do so. As you know, marital issues can be extremely complex. They can range from issues relating to sex, children, money, family, intimacy, and a whole wad of other things I probably haven’t listed yet… but there are a few key things that you can do right now to improve the situation with your spouse. Of course, fixing a marriage takes time, so I can’t promise that these techniques will fix your marriage overnight (it probably won’t), but I can assure you with enough time and effort, you’ll be able to turn the tide. So take your pencils and paper out to take notes because what I’m about to reveal in this video might help save your marriage (and your family). First, I’m going to go over some things you should NOT do… number one, you should never make the situation worse by inciting arguments and disputes. Although in order to mend your marriage fully, you both have to communicate your issues in the marriage. However, bringing up an extremely touchy subject when things are going really poorly will probably only makes matter worse.

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